december 2005

click here for permalink December 13, 2005

My friend Brady is back from New Orleans, where he spent the last few weeks volunteering — and, good thing for those of us who live vicariously, taking pictures. His first couple of days there, he told me it seemed disrespectful to take pictures but I disagreed...

The government's reaction was disrespectful, I said, taking pictures is just documenting history and, ten years from now, when they're running retrospectives on the news and trying to sell some whitewashed, bastardized version of the Sinking of New Orleans, we'll still have our own version. Stored on a hard drive somewhere.

At any rate, here's New Orleans as Brady saw it. The last few are Texas.

I feel like I've done nothing but work lately, however, I have two articles up at that beg to differ. One's about Mars Retrograde in Taurus and the other is called The Astrology of the Indigo Children (if the first half of this sentence makes no sense to you whatsoever, you might want to skip these two).