Showdown Countdown

by A. E. O'Neill

[Originally published February 2003]

I think I've read too much on the current State O' the Union to add anything truly original or insightful (unless you've yet to hear someone muttering "run and hide! Run and HIDE" over and over...). So, what I'll do is present some of my absolute favorite authorities on the topic for your — er — enjoyment? Edification? Edu-tainment?

Anyway, here's what some of the folks with a direct line to the Cosmos have to say about our impending, uh... Showdown.


An in-depth look at the charts of Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush from This site's writers are the very best when it comes to translating current events into astrological terms. They are adept at making sense of history via the study of long-term planetary trends and at making responsible yet powerful predictions about what may come of those trends.

From The Mountain Astrologer, an article reprinted from their October 2000 issue offers some insights into the nature of the George W. Bush presidency and some predictions about the next few years that are positively eerie, considering the original date of publication — for starters, Osama Bin Laden is mentioned by name. If you skim this article, make sure to focus on at least one section, "The 20-Year Presidential Death Cycle," which describes just that.

If you haven't read enough to totally freak you out yet, check out Planet Waves' take on the U.S. and Presidential projections for 2003 — and don't expect any of that touchy-feely positivity or Way of the Peaceful Warrior stuff from Eric Francis. If you like your astrology served cold, sans garnish, with plenty of bile and biting sarcasm, you'll love this one. I know I do.

This one is interesting in that it sets some exact dates to watch for the planetary shit to hit the fan. I can't help but comment on one; everybody is throwing around February 16th — and not just astrologers... Conan O'Brien interviewed a faux Saddam last night and even he predicted the 16th as the one to watch.